We took Little Dog and S out for a touch of cavorting today. S and Little Dog were as normal a little duo act. I managed to lose my ball on a string in some brambles with a very bad throw. We discovered hide and seek. S hid and Little Dog did the seeking - it was most amusing....
Little Dog is learning manners a little. She was being a bit pushy with a dog, got growled at and backed right off. Another dog she wanted to play with had nervy owners. It was a big dog with a halti. It didn't seem aggressive and I just got the feeling, being a new convert to trusting my dog, that maybe they should trust theirs a little.... They would all probably enjoy it all a little more... i know we do now...
I did some crafting this morning but am a loooong way off having anything interesting to show. I have some ideas bouncing around inside my head though... For when I have a moment... Which will actually be quite soon as I have booked a week off, starting this Friday evening. It will be F's first week in his new job that week too and he will be doing a lot of evening shifts so I will actually get to see him to. I am going to really miss him and having him work shifts is going to take some getting used to.... It isn't that I will be lonely but that I will be lonely for him...
I experimented further with black onion seed tonight - i cooked up some garlic and onion with it then added some boiled potato, then some spinach on top so it wilted in and finally some toasted pine nuts... Yum... It went very well with the sweet chilli marinated salmon we had. S had to try a spoon full and on doing so he stated that the spinach wasn't as bad as he thought - not that he wanted any more... *laugh*
I need a bit of time to catch up on projects and things.... My jewellery pile has gotten higher and I still don't want to get back to making any... I have three necklaces and two pairs of earrings to make - most of which won't actually take to long... I reckon a good day and I could knock out most of them (I hope).
I would also like to get down to some letter writing and message in bottles that week too....
I have also realised a slight difficulty with my 101 things list - walsking Little Dog in three beautiful places each week... Walking around the block doesn't count. Beautiful places require the car.... Neither of us like the rain... Beautiful places aren't we go on rainy days... It rains a lot in Cornwall... On top of this, I am behind from when she was ill and had to be kept at home. I also have to decide whether it counts if F takes her somewhere nice while I am at work....
Thing is Little Dog can only take so much of this walking milarkey. Off the lead she just keeps running, backwards and forwards, in circles, after a ball, whatever, just at speed. She has some of the greyhound speed and some of the collie stamina so she keeps going longer than a greyhound would but half an hour of running and she sleeps the rest of the day. She collapsed when we got home and once I became available she managed to move a little in order to collapse on my leg....
I suspect that if I stick with my intention, this will be a hard target to meet... Without killing my dog with exercise....
The New Cottagesmallholder HQ
7 months ago
Hmmmm...methinks she'll just get fitter and then *expect* extravagant rambles...
ReplyDeleteI"m hopelessly off track with my 101 things too...no real surprise there...I have a history.....*grin*