The task of this tag feels very appropriate today following the current discussion on bliss....
The lovely Ann has tagged me and this tag comes with tasks...
List six things that make you happy and then tag six bloggers.... Again with the no obligation thing....
Soooo happy....
1) Seeing how pleased my dog is to see me when I get in and having a lovely cuddle with her.
2) Having a bath with a good book, some lovely bath products, some chocolate and a cup of tea.
3) A brisk windy walk in the sand dunes when the sand is flying and the sun is thinking about going down.
4) Spending good time with the man, even if we are just in a shop together....
5) When I create something and I actually like it....
6) Eating a really, really gooood meal....
And for the blogs... only 6! How can I choose? I have no criteria to choose by..... And I could choose anyone... I think I should try and only choose those who might want to write about happiness....
So here goes!
It worries me that I am starting to tag the same people but there are two in there who I have never tagged before.... I like tags which say choose so many blogs that such and such.....
The New Cottagesmallholder HQ
8 months ago
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