Yesterday we got our new fridge. Previously advertised as free to anyone who can come and get it. The hole it is supposed to go in still isn't large enough....
We went shopping today though and it was kind of a relief to not just be shopping for one meal. I bought lots and lots of veg. Veg for tea and veg for lunchtime salads. A pack of leafy stuff hasn't been worth buying recently. Anything that couldn't be finished in one sitting hasn't been worth buying recently....
Lambs Lettuce and Baby Spinach will be a large part of my salads for this week along with spring onions, radishes and carrot and I am so looking forward to them.... Maybe I can have a healthy diet again for a little.....
F reacted differently. He bought meat. He also bought reduced meat which was close to it's sell by date. He possibly bought more than we can sensibly eat. F would happily live on meat if he could.... I suspect none of the lamb's lettuce or spinach will be found in his lunches unless I put it there....
I remember the future m-i-l grumping once that F never really ate vegetables before he met me and kind of implying he only ate them to keep me happy. She overcooks her veg, as is a little typical of the style of cooking favoured by many of her generation.... She doesn't like anything even vaguely foreign so her choice of veg is... limited... I am not surprised he didn't get into veg while living at home....
I love raw veg and stir fries and stews and roasts. F certainly 'appears' to enjoy eating them to... His meat feast meals do drive me potty though. It has gotten to a point where I feel a little queasy when presented with a meal that is all meat and no veg....
Heres to the fridge! How did people live without them?
The New Cottagesmallholder HQ
8 months ago
Hi Rose,
ReplyDeleteThank you for the lovely award! (I know you said I don't have to respond... but I will :) )
This is funny cuz Andrew is the same- never ate veggies or pork because his mother overcooks them... His family is amazed when they hear that he actually enjoys salads now! sigh. Mother in laws I am discovering can be tricky... and it has been on my mind as they made a 'surprise' visit from another province yesterday and are in the city until tomorrow.
At least it's possible to get him to eat veggies, it would be so much worse if they simply refused to eat them! :)
Congratulations on your fridge's homecoming...and here's to leafy greens!!Who eats meat without veg? Ugh. I could probably do quite happily without the meat myself....I try not to think about it too much....
ReplyDeleteoh so true.... My Mum is lovely and having had an evil m-i-l herself is rather conscious of the pitfalls of this relationship. She adores F... Why couldn't I get someone like her? *sigh* I hope the surprise visit goes OK and isn't too painful....
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine living with someone who won't eat veg - the idea is just too alien! *laugh*
Hello Rose, I have just recieved your comment. I will do whatever you need, but I must confess, I am a novice in learning at blogging. I have to ask a silly question, what does tagged mean? LOL! I'm so sorry, I haven't a clue. Can you teach me?