I wanted to make stars but I got distracted and instead painted a scarf for my Great Aunt.
It has been a grey and rainy day out but I have been content in the house, pottering.
I slept strangely last night. I went to bed while F stayed up. I woke when he came to bed but went to sleep again. Later I awoke suddenly, as Little Dog came up, and drank lots. I was so hot! I was hot for ages. F was hot to but he stayed asleep. Eventually I took the duvet off and replaced it with our much thinner quilt. Of course later in the night, when it was cooler, I was cold. But I just pulled the duvet back over... And I slept.
Unfortunately F had to get up and go to work. Each time his alarm went off I would fall straight back asleep. He woke me up three times in ten minutes and then I got a bit grumpy.
So today has been a relaxed sort of a day. I got up late. I am beginning to realise that each bit of creativity takes time. Plenty of time. The scarf I did today was pretty simple but all the preparation of pattern and the drying took time. I still want stars but it is too late for today. I might do some jewellery in front of the TV but that will be it.
It is all very well having a list of things to do but if you work chances are you won't have time to get very far with the list. But does it matter? Not really....
The New Cottagesmallholder HQ
8 months ago
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