Leaving the beach in a good happy mood didn't last long however... On the way home I was in the back of the car and started to feel a bit icky. I was sat nestled amongst the speakers and it just got too much. I asked for the music to be turned down and when asked why I snapped. I shouldn't have. I then felt bad...
We had to do a quick bit of shopping and F wanted to only get what we needed right then and I wanted to get some stuff for the following week to reduce the number of times I had to stop at the shop. More stress...
Back home, I was cold, covered in salt, feeling icky and grumpy. What do I do at such times? I bathe... So I did and pampered myself for the coming week with a face mask and an oiling of the scalp to help with my dryness.
I had certain things I wanted to do, namely the first practice at a simple ritual for welcoming the sacred flame into your house for my hearth craft class. I had been intending on doing this for days on Sunday... Just in time to have done the weeks class before the next instalment. This was my goal and I had even managed to find a hearthstone in time....
One aspect of this class is having respect for your home. This means doing the washing up and having a clean oven for your rituals... I was hustling through the washing up and the recycling and then it was time for tea, fantastically cooked by F. Then F took S home and was gone a very long time (he returned in time to wish me Good Night...). I set to washing up from tea and by this time I was starting to feel stressed...
Earlier on my Mum had left a message and I wanted to speak to her as we hadn't spoken in a few days. I might have had time to do my ritual but... I wouldn't get to talk to my Mum or do my blog and I would have done the ritual while stressed. Right or wrong I didn't do it. I left it. I didn't meet my goal. I prioritised my friends and family. Was this my test for the day? Did I pass or fail?
The New Cottagesmallholder HQ
8 months ago
Oh...passed with flying colours, dahling!! Friends and family ARE your hearth - at least that's what I keep telling myself when the children interrupt me for the umpteenth time! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm way behind too....and not much chance of catching up unless everyone around here lapses into a deep slumber at around 8pm...:)
Thank you honey! Sometimes prioritizing feels so hard when you feel you have to run to keep up...