Sometimes life gets in the way, as I believe I have before. I haven't made time for creativity this week or much of anything else. Work obviously takes time but I have found my job has been requiring less time behind the computer and more out and about doing more manual things. Not surprisingly I am pretty tired after this...
Monday on the way home my friend and I witnessed an accident. No one else stopped. No one was hurt fortunately and as there were independent witnesses (us) the Police have been able to charge the other driver. It was late by the time I got in and F's cold was taking a turn for the worse.
F has slept badly the last few nights and has been off work. These things seem to sit on his chest and his breathing gets very, very wheezy. Thankfully he has slept in the spare room so I have been able to sleep. He has however has had me running around to the shops for him. This has not been helped by the death of our fridge / freezer. We can not keep anything much in the way of food in the house right now and nightly trips to the shop are the norm for me right now. Some nights I have been rather more than three.
Not surprisingly, with the added shopping trips and additional duties at home plus the more physical work as part of my job, I am feeling more than a little tired. One good thing about being busy and content in my lot (although a little less coughing from F would be nice! *laugh*), is that I am not minding too much the lack of time to carry out my plans...
And I have oh so many plans... But then F is working on Sunday so we shall see what I can get up to then...
The New Cottagesmallholder HQ
7 months ago
Funny...I've been experiencing the same sort of time-deficit. I just don't know where the time is going...and I'm mostly too tired to care most days this last week! *grin*