The word ball makes me want to put an s on the end..... Balls up, grab someone by the balls, to have balls, to have big balls..... They all refer to one little piece of male anatomy. Obviously having big balls is perceived as a good thing. It means you are more manly *beats chest like a gorilla*, but those little phrases also suggest that balls are a weakness, that balls can make a mess of things or allow you to be hurt or manipulated.
I am not sure I have balls, I am not sure I want balls. I want a quiet life. I don't ever want to be a a manager. Mine did something right, I think. Things were very different today, I can only assume some things were said, that needed to be said, to certain people. Instead of them slothing around and us not getting any further towards catching up, they worked. They worked without excessive whining too which was even better. And they even acted like they were responsible for their own actions!
I didn't go out last night, it got to complicated with F's news - he had to go hand his notice in last night because his new job wants him to start asap. He is currently using leave to do their induction and they hadn't told him they had a place for him before.... All good news and very handily provided me with an excuse to kick back rather than being nicey nicey....
I spent last night struggling to sleep and my drive to work thinking what to say to the colleagues in question. I nearly had the balls all gathered up and in my court. As soon as I walked in, I knew everything was different, all the energies had changed. It is odd how much these energies affect us but how little attention we pay to them. Last week there was one day when one colleague was off. I really enjoyed the day and there was no obvious reason as to why until it occured to me who was missing. Now this person has in no way shape or form done anything bad (except for being a Princess) but they do affect the group dynamic....
Lets have some more ball phrases... Keeping all your balls in the air, the balls in your court.... I read somewhere today that as we heal aspects of our personality and past come to the fore to be healed. Am I struggling to cope with too many things or has the ball been put in my court? Hmmmm. I do know that I want to go to sleep and continue having no balls, right now, this second....
The New Cottagesmallholder HQ
7 months ago
Yes...balls....mine only surface at moments of extreme aggravation and usually in the defense of someone/thing other than myself...I have yet to use them consistently for myself...