Ugh! This weekend seems to have consisted of work and sleep.... My bosses insistence that our overtime focus on earliness rather than lateness has played havoc with my sleeping pattern. Even though we finished in the early afternoon both days, the early starts on these and the two previous days meant I sought my bed as soon as I got in for a catch up nap.
Today I didn't work early but i did work late and tomorrow there is likely to be the offer of more additional hours. This week is generally going to be miserable. Following stock take we only have so long before the end of the months's joyousness and everything has to be reconciled and done for then. I have to befully caught up on my job by sometime Friday.
But what then? Then I have a couple of blissful stress free days at work before it is back into playing catch up. I am going to take the Monday off and allow myself an extra day to breath over the weekend following all this extra work.
Without all this extra work, things have been stressful. My colleagues have been having different difficulties and events in their lives, at work and at home. We have also had to spend a lot of time together when we have been feeling tired. I know I am sick of the sight of some of my colleagues right now. I like them very much, but I would like to not see them for a couple of days!
I have missed out on things because of this extra work. There was a pagan get together for Ostara. There is a fantastic garden on an estate in Cornwall called Tregothnan which opened it's doors to the public for charity for two days this last weekend - the only days this year. And f course the Soul Journal Mandala ATC swap - ooh wait... i couldn't take the feeling that I was missing out, so I snuck in at the last minute to take part... *grin*
The extra money will be welcome but after the tax man has taken his chunk, it won't be as great as all that. So why do all these hours then? Because I am part of a team that has a job to do. We work together to get things done. Even so, I would take no job that demanded this much on more than the odd occasion here and there. I definately want to work to live, not live to work. That is of course, unless I find my true vocation.....
Anyway off to bed, might be another long day tomorrow, but I hope not...
The New Cottagesmallholder HQ
8 months ago
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