I have come to realise why I stopped making jewellery. I have come to realise why I have been known to have a hobby that one day I suddenly turn round and never, ever do again.
I like taking a little extra time over The Artist's Way. I like giving my subconscious time to get messages through. I like having time to allow synchronicity to provide a few answers and ideas.
I am not sure where this bit came from, I am sure I read about it in there somewhere. Sometimes we create in such a way as to drain ourselves. We force ourselves to keep going. We drain our souls. We have to give ourselves time to replenish our creativity and we have to respect ourselves and be true to our muse...
I don't enjoy creating jewellery for certain people. The sorts of things they would wear and enjoy don't inspire me. They are neither challenging or interesting to make and I don't find the finished product inspiring in any way really. Some people are easy to make fun things for, they love colour and they have a funky sense of style.
Last year I had a few weeks off after crashing out of my teacher training. I also had a few weeks off just before Christmas between jobs. I made beaded artwork after beaded artwork. I had so many things I sent a handful off to be sold (two did sell!). And then before I completed all my presents, I crashed. I couldn't face another bead.
I have been making a few things again for this years pressies and suddenly I have hit the second piece for a certain person... It is in translucent and pale peach beads so there is hardly any colour to it. It is a simple spiral so there is nothing challenging or exciting about it. I am finding it difficult to make. It is draining. It is work, not fun.
But having started, I am going to continue.
I like making gothy chokers for my niece. I like putting together funky shapes and colours for my Mum and my Aunt. But I seldom enjoy pieces I make for some others...
The New Cottagesmallholder HQ
7 months ago
I think that when you have to create something for someone, it does become a chore... but when you can let your soul run wild with creativity, then it really does become fun and you get much joy from that
ReplyDeleteI am looking for a group near me to start the
ReplyDeleteArtist Way" with...I have the same problem I start my art in various differant mediums (beading,painting,crochet,decoupage) I have sold in each but suddenly stop creating once I get orders with request for colors I am just not into...I just get turned off and stop..money isn't a motivator for me at all I have to feel like creating..I hope I find how to get over this block I have had for years now..maybe the Artists Way???
I can absolutely understand this...
ReplyDeleteI think that's the difference between because-you-have-to art and soul-art....and if the have-tos outweigh the soul-art, then you will become depleted...
Me too:) I find that I can only make my femmes when the time is right and only how I want to make them. I've done commisions before but hated working to order. Now I make as and when and if someone likes and wants one then that is great . If not then it also doesn't matter as i made them because the muse wanted me to.
ReplyDeleteI also find that I then need to fill up again with inspiration so walks in wild places help
So important to create from your heart rather than trying to please others. Stick to what you love. And you do get drained sometimes and have to stop and refill the well - Julia Cameron says so. *grin*