Not much springs to mind to write tonight. Just little snippets...
No reply as yet from my Grandfathers friend.
I saw that Saving Grace was on tonight. This made my heart leap as this is the name of the film in which my dream house stars. I went to look at it but it is a series and not the film at all....
I came over feeling tired earlier and had to retreat to bed for a nap but other than feeling weak and tired, I am feeling OK.
I spent some time talking to my Boss last night and things are not so bad. I will be walking back into a stressful place but the stress isn't directed at me. Redundancies have been announced now though but across the group, no breakdowns released as yet.
I ordered some arm warmers and leg warmers from Etsy. They have been custom made for me and are a, um, slightly larger size than normal so they were not cheap. With postage as well... I have been awaiting their arrival for a while as first they were made and then shipped, with all the postal strikes going on here as well. Today I received a Royal Mail note saying they can not be delivered until I have paid a customs fee. Personally i think it is a wee bit exorbitant at £21 but hey, i want them so I guess I have to go pay.... I hope they are comfy after all this....
I also today received a lovely little envelope from overseas that more than made up for my lack of wooly items... It came from a special young lady of blog candy fame and contained some beautifully crafted drawings! Thank you oh sweet Savannah! XXX
Now I am sat here with a dog draped across me. Greyhounds are very flexible. If you ever watch one run then you can see how strong and flexible their bodies are. My old Big Dog was also terribly bony and things like sitting on his behind were uncomfortable for him. Little Dog, although thin, isn't so bony, but she is still very flexible. I have never known a dog to adopt such a wide range of bizarre positions. She makes a lovely lap warmer...
The New Cottagesmallholder HQ
8 months ago
Hi, i have recently found your blog and wanted to say good luck with the return to work. Its nice to know of another greyhound lover
ReplyDeleteHey Dubgirl. They are lovely... I lost my greyhound earlier this year, my beloved Big Dog, to bone cancer. We all grieved for him including Little Dog who is a mutated greyhound being a lurcher with collie blood and who knows what else possibly lurking in the mix. She has a fluffy beard, a wonky cork screw tail and strange ears... *grin*
ReplyDeleteRose, my sister has a greyhoun as well, and she fosters for the rescue as well. I have quite a small house. when he comes for a visit I have to laugh, because I sure know he is here, my 2 ddogs , a cat, a bird, and him. I am an animal lover through and through. I hope your legwarmers and armwarmers work out. Take care and yes goodluck on going back to work.