Maeve Binchy is an author I greatly admire. I read her books when I feel like the book equivalent of a snuggly quilt. I was reading one of her stories this morning and there was a comment that Boxing Day is a sad day because it is never as good as Christmas Eve because we are looking back rather than looking forward. I am sat here on Boxing Day and I am not feeling sad or unhappy.
Yes Christmas Day was lovely. The food was fantastic. The presents F and I bought each other were great (partly because we go shopping together and assist the other in buying pressies up to a certain value. Works very well! They still get wrapped and we still enjoy getting them...) and I got some lovely presents from other people to. The television was also great but I have a Sky + box full of other great things to watch.
F is the most important thing though. He is very much still here. He just made a full slap up fried English breakfast. It was very, very unhealthy but also very, very tasty...
I guess the thing is, the people I have fun with are still here, still part of my life even though Christmas is passing quickly. I have more good TV to watch, I have more lovely food to eat ( a duck waiting in the freezer for New Year) and more presents to give (we will see S later today) and more to receive (my families parcel hasn't yet arrived, but then I haven't quite sent mine to them either).
The only clouds on the horizon of my day are the sluggish feeling left by my enjoyment of a little strawberry wine mixed with lemonade yesterday and the fact I have to go out later. I have the pleasure of another full Christmas turkey dinner later complete with over cooked veg. Really all I want is to gently snooze my headache away and begin reading the various books I received yesterday (not Maeve Binchy's this time). I also like the idea of a lovely long bath with one of my books and one of my lovely lush bath bombs.
I guess this just gives me something to look forward to for tomorrow... *smiles sleepily*
The New Cottagesmallholder HQ
8 months ago
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