Today is Yule and it feels like a good day to start something new. I have never posted a blog before but have been inspired by several blogs I have started reading. I like the idea of writing a journal but need to have someone to write for. Even if no one else ever reads this, it doesn't matter. What matters is the possibility that they could...
So why now? Recent changes in my life and the odd splash of synchronicity have bought me back to my basic beliefs. I went to a religious school and was only ever exposed to Christianity as a child but somehow developed a fairly pagan faith with Christian ethics. Once away from home, I met many new people and while discussing faith with a friend I discovered that my personal faith fitted pretty well with her faith. I had never heard of Wicca before.
I always felt drawn to the hedge witch side of Wicca rather than the coven side but seemed unable to move beyond faith to celebrating. Rather than commiting to it, I tentatively dabbled around on the edges. My faith never changed but I never did anything with it...
So what do I believe? I believe in balance. I believe I can be naughty and selfish (although I find this difficult to do knowingly without guilt) without being a bad person. I believe that every thing has an energy and these energies together make a very powerful force which could be called Gaea. I believe this force has many aspects and can be seen in nature everywhere you look. I believe nothing is ever lost, in learning, in magic, in wonder... I am a scientist but science is all about knowing and less about faith. We can not ever know everything. I believe we should not hurt others but sometimes the path of least hurt can involve knowingly hurting others. I believe I will never get it right all the time and I don't necessarily have the right to decide for others. I believe sometimes a white lie can be best and I believe pushing people beyond their comfort zone can be best for them (I know I need that!).
I have over the period of this current moon begun to feel that it is time to move on, time to search deeper, maybe time to actually not be nervous, maybe time to work towards committing to what I believe. Yule seems like a good time to begin, it is when the world begins to move towards growth again. It is a time of small beginnings... A time of planning and thinking...
I celebrated my first full moon last week and am contemplating celebrating my first Yule tonight. I can not say my full moon rite was entirely successful. I made plenty of mistakes but my sense of the God and Goddess was that they were enjoying themselves and trying not to laugh so as not to harm my quiet beginning. I am not sure how I will spend the rest of today, will I write poems? Will I make a herb pillow to sleep with tonight? Will I go and find some holly and ivy to add to my Christmas decorations?
So all in all this blog is about me and my path. My path will not always be dominated by Wicca and some days other things will be important. I dream of owning more land than a postage stamp garden and keeping pigs and chickens. I like to learn and explore different subjects. I like crafts and currently make jewelery. It is about my attempts to begin living on the wiccy side of life....
The New Cottagesmallholder HQ
8 months ago
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